Help us satisfying the needs of the kids


One of the financial sources that we use in order to provide sustenance to the kids.

The Orphanage

In our orpahange, the following facilities are provided:

Hall - 1 room - 100 chairs, 50 plastic benches, LDC, Screen, 20 tablesTo host meetings and events with internal or external guests
Overnight guests rooms - 2 rooms (without AC)These are rooms provided for the guests that will stay in the orphanage overnight
Traditional instruments - Flutes and DjembeTo develop children’s’ talents in music and for their creativity.
Introducing to the kids traditional instruments and preserve them in this new area of globalisation.
Modern music instruments - piano, guitar, drum and organTo develop children’s’ talents in music and for their creativity
Library - one roomTo make children more aware and give them knowledge. Moreover, to make them passionate about reading.
Ruang belajar untuk anak-anak TK - SD.
Computer - 11 unitsTo give kids information about technology so that they can keep up with the technological development
Infirmary - 2 roomsA room that can provide basic medical assistance to kids who do not feel well
Television - 2 unitsFor kids’ entertainment.
Can be used on Saturday and Sunday
Bicycles - 25 unitsTo let the kids learn and play with the bicycle
Bedrooms - 3 roomsTo let the kids rest and sleep
BathroomFor the kids and the guests
Study roomFor the kids to have a place where to study