
Help us satisfying the needs of the kids


One of the financial sources that we use in order to provide sustenance to the kids.



Type of Institution : Orphanage.
Age of the kids : Males and females between 5 and 18 years old.
Complete Address : JLN. RAYA TUKA NO. 34 DALUNG, KUTA UTARA BADUNG – BALI 80354.
Website :
Email Address :
Phone Number : 0361-437047 (House), 0811.3995.044 (HP, WA)
Insitution Managed by : Suster-Suster St. Fransiskus Semarang (OSF Semarang).
Since 8 December 1959

Brief history

The story starts back in 1958. On August 8, the Sisters of Saint Francis of Semarang (OSF Semarang) began to work in the village of Tuka dealing with polyclics/maternity homes, schools and pastoral/social work. They were Sr. Martini Greymans, Sr. Consolata Kalimah, Sr. Corona Murtati, and Sr. Eveline Soekilah. For a while the sisters lived in a small, simple house near the polyclinic. Within one year the house was completed and blessed on December 8, 1959.

At that time the situation in Tuka village was not extremely pleasant. There were still many cases of Tuberculosis and other diseases. Moreover, mothers still liked giving birth with the help of traditional birth attendants from the clinic. The maternal mortality rate was still high, due to the poor sanitary conditions.

The social work at Tuka began with accommodating 10 children who lived with the sisters. In addition, the sisters made visits to homes and provided health counselling. From visits to residents’ homes, the sisters found many malnourished children. By looking at the situation, they decided that it was better to take some of them with them at the house and provide families with additional food once a week. The year after, the visits to give food duplicated.

Provision of additional food for nutrition improvement lasted for ten years (1969), not only for children from Tuka village, but also from surrounding villages (Babakan, Padang Tawang, Batulumbung etc.). Moreover, the number of children who were accommodated increased.

Day after day, more and more children needed help. In 1970 there were 70 children, but only 40 were able to be accommodated in monasteries or with the sisters, while 30 others lived with their families. For this reason, the sisters had difficulty in fostering them because they did not have a permanent building. The sisters worked hard to find funds and assistance to build a living place for children.

One of the sisters’ hopes for children was having a proper and permanent place so that children could grow well, thoroughly and educated, in order to lead them to achieve a better future. God’s grace is great. Many helping hands came through to create a place that is separate from the monastery, and after being built the orphanage was named SIDHI ASTU PANTI, and is based on the Brayat Pinuji Foundation.

For the ratification of the Sidhi Astu Tuka Orphanage under the auspices of the Brayat Pinuji Foundation based in Semarang, the Brayat Pinuji Foundation Bali Branch was formed on March 1, 1988 with Deed No. 28 by Notary Silvia Veronica SH in Yogyakarta.

The Sidhi Astu Orphanage is registered at the Department of Social Affairs Regional Office of the Province of Bali, and is registered in the Badung Regency Government office.

Nowadays, the “SIDHI ASTU” Orphanage accepts disadvantaged and neglected children including orphans and neglected children providing care, education and basic needs.


  1. A simple library
  2. A study room
  3. A dining room
  4. A living room
  5. A computer room
  6. A playroom
  7. A meeting room
  8. A sport area
  9. A garden to grow vegetables
  10. A kitchen
  11. Bathrooms

Foundation’s achievements:

LKSA accreditation with a B th rating. 2014